News and announcements
Save the dates: The
course RapiData 2025 on Data Collection and Structure Solving will take place from May 5 to May 10, 2025. See the course announcement for more information. Application deadline: January 31, 2025.
The Mentored Structural Biology of Human Pathogens Summer Program at Meharry Medical College from May 19 to July 25, 2025 is accepting applications (deadline February 7, 2025).
New BAG Proposal Option: Click here to learn more about all beamtime proposal mechanisms.
Run Schedule
The Spear3 operation schedule for the 2024-2025 run is available here. Spear access and Machine Physics days are
marked PAMM and AP respectively.
New Features
New Eiger X 16M Detector at BL9-2.
Automated data processing is now implemented on all beamlines. Data processing will start after the data collection run is completed. The new Blu-Ice Processing tab displays information for each data processing run.
RADDOSE-3D in the BluIce Collect Tab.
New Helical Collection sub-tab in Collect tab with shutterless helical collection on beamlines 12-1 and 12-2.
Diffraction Quality Strip chart in Collect tab.
Remote access to room temperature/crystal dehydration experiments on 12-1.
New Eiger2 XE Detectors at BL12-1 and BL12-2.
Interceptor is Live! Art Lyubimov's ACA 2022 talk of the new real-time data monitoring application, now running on all beamlines.
New software: HKL3000 is now available to all SMB SSRL users. To run the old version, HKL2000, please use the following command: module switch -f HKL3000 HKL2000
New SMB unix account password expiration notice: starting on the last week of January 2022 an email from will be sent 14, 7, 3, 2 and 1 days before SMB unix accounts password expiration date. A final reminder will be sent the date the password expires.