Next: The Pseudo Motor Entry
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Previous: Format of the database.dat
A real motor is a motor controlled by a hardware DHS.
An entry for a Real Motor definition should be in the following generic format:
Line 1:motorName
Line 2:1
Line 3:responsibleDHS externalMotorName
Line 4:position upperLimit lowerLimit scaleFactor speed acceleration backlash lowerLimitOn upperLimitOn motorLockOn backlashOn reverseOn circleMode units
Line 5:0
Line 6:passiveOk remoteOk localOk inHutchOk closedHutchOk
Line 7:passiveOk remoteOk localOk inHutchOk closedHutchOk
- The responsibleDHS must be the name of a DHS
defined in separate entry as discussed in
The DHS definition.
- The externalMotorName parameter can be the same name
as the motorName, but is provided here for mapping the motor name to
a DHS(s) that names the motor differently. This is common with the
motors controlled by the ICS system.
- The position parameter is the current position of the motor.
- The upperLimit and lowerLimit
parameters are the software limits for the motor. The limits are only
used if the corresponding upperLimitOn and
lowerLimitOn flags are enabled.
- The scaleFactor converts motor steps to the default
units of the motor.
- The speed parameter is in units of steps/second.
- The acceleration parameter is in units of milli-seconds.
- The backlash parameter is in steps.
- The lowerLimitOn parameter can be 0 (for no software limit)
or 1 (to enable the lowerLimit parameter).
- The upperLimitOn parameter can be 0 (for no software limit)
or 1 (to enable the upperLimit parameter).
- The motorLockOn parameter can be 0 (which allows the motor to move)
or 1 (prevents the motor from moving.)
- The backlashOn parameter can be 0 (no backlash)
or 1 (uses the backlash parameter for each move.)
- The reverseOn parameter can be 0 (no internal swapping of direction)
or 1 (internally swaps the direction of the motor move.)
- The circleMode parameter can be 0 (linear motion)
or 1 (automatically converts 360 degrees to 0, and
automatically picks the shortest path of motion.)
- The two permissions lines (lines 6 and 7) are discussed in
The Device Permission Bits.
- units is
Here is an example for table_vert_1
motor entry. It is is motor controlled
by a DHS called gi
. The DHS gi
knows this motor by a
different name tablev1
gi tablev1
23.099118 49.999984 0.000000 3145.921000 500 125 1573 0 0 0 1 0 0 mm
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
Next: The Pseudo Motor Entry
Up: Format of the database.dat
Previous: Format of the database.dat
Scott McPhillips