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Format of the database.dat file

The text file accepted by the dcss -r command is a list of entries. Each entry is separated by a blank line (carriage return).

Each entry consists 3 or 4 lines of data describing the entry.

  1. The first line of an entry is the device name as known by DCSS.

    The device name may consist of regular alpha/numerical characters and the underscore character.

  2. The second line is an integer representing the device type as shown in Table 1.

    Table 1: Device Types in database.dat
    Device type description
    1 Real Motor
    2 Combo Motor
    3 DHS description
    4 Ion chamber
    5 Obsolete
    6 Shutter/Filter
    7 Obsolete
    8 Run Definition
    9 Runs Definition
    10 Obsolete
    11 Operation
    12 Encoder
    13 String

  3. The contents of the remaining lines depend upon the entry for the device type as discussed in the following subsections.

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Scott McPhillips 2011-07-06