Shipping Dewars and Non-cryogenic Samples from SMB Beamlines

Follow the steps listed below

  1. Remove any old shipping labels from the dewar/blue box.
  1. Fill-out the required Return Samples Request Form and print it out. Each dewar/blue box requires a form. All Dewars will be topped off with liquid nitrogen by Shipping and Receiving and shipped as Hazardous regardless if samples are present.

      Delays in shipping may occur if the paperwork is not properly filled out.

      Make sure payment information is listed on your shipping form!   Acceptable methods of payment include: Pre-paid or Carrier Account, or SSRL User Account. If you are not sure about the payment method,  contact Lisa Dunn.

      In addition to your address - make sure to include a contact name and phone number on the shipping form so that we can contact you should a problem arise.


    • Insert the properly printed-out form into a clear sticky envelope (available at each crystallography beamline) and attach the envelope(s) to the dewar/blue box(s).

    • Bring the dewar/blue box to the "outgoing" shipments area  at SSRL Shipping and Receiving located in front of the stockroom.

    • If you are concerned about the status of your dewar/blue box after submitting the above form, please send email to otherwise please contact Lisa Dunn at SSRL (Remote users should contact their user-support to find out if their samples have been shipped back).