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ccp4_program.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ccp4_program.h"
#include "ccp4_parser.h"
#include "ccp4_utils.h"
#include "ccp4_general.h"


char * ccp4_prog_vers (char *progvers)
char * ccp4ProgramName (const char *progname)
char * ccp4RCSDate (const char *rcs_string)
void ccp4ProgramTime (int init)
int ccp4VerbosityLevel (int level)
int ccp4Callback (CCP4INTFUNCPTR mycallback, char *mode, int ierr, char *message)
int ccp4SetCallback (CCP4INTFUNCPTR mycallback)
int ccp4InvokeCallback (int ierr, char *message)
int ccp4NullCallback (int level, char *message)
int ccp4_licence_exists (const char *name)
int html_log_output (int ihtml_in)
int summary_output (int isumm_in)

Detailed Description

Utilies to set and fetch program information. Peter Briggs CCP4 May 2001

Function Documentation

int ccp4_licence_exists const char *    name

Check existence of licence agreement

name  Name of licence, e.g. "CCP4".
1 for licence exists, else 0.

char* ccp4_prog_vers char *    progvers

Register or query program version.

progvers  Program version string, or NULL to query existing value.
Program version string.

int ccp4Callback CCP4INTFUNCPTR    mycallback,
char *    mode,
int    ierr,
char *    message

Set or invoke a user-defined callback function The callback must be of the form "function(const int, const char *)" This is essentially an internal function which operates in one of two modes - in "set" mode the named function is stored and the remaining arguments are discarded; in "invoke" mode the stored function is executed with the supplied values (the supplied name is discarded).

mycallback  Callback function (discarded in "invoke" mode)
mode  Either "set" or "invoke"
ierr  An error level equivalent to that used in ccperror
message  A message string equivalent to that used in ccperror
Result of the executed function (invoke mode)

int ccp4InvokeCallback int    ierr,
char *    message

Invoke the user-defined callback function This is a wrapper to ccp4Callback - it executes the user-defined callback function previously stored.

ierr  An error level equivalent to that used in ccperror
message  A message string equivalent to that used in ccperror
Result of the executed function

int ccp4NullCallback int    level,
char *    message

A dummy callback function used by default in ccp4CallOnExit Internal function. This function does nothing.

level  Severity level supplied from ccperror
message  Message text supplied from ccperror
Always returns 1

char* ccp4ProgramName const char *    progname

Set or return program name.

progname  Program name, or NULL to query existing value.
Program name

void ccp4ProgramTime int    init

Set or print program time information


char* ccp4RCSDate const char *    rcs_string

Set or return program RCS date

rcs_string  Date string, or NULL to query existing value.
Date string

int ccp4SetCallback CCP4INTFUNCPTR    mycallback

Set a user-defined callback function This is a wrapper to ccp4Callback - it stores a user-defined callback function which must be of the form "function(const int, const char *)"

mycallback  Callback function
1 (if the function is stored), 0 (if it is not)

int ccp4VerbosityLevel int    level

Set or return the reference verbosity level Always return the verbosity level - if verboselevel is between 0 and 9 then reset the verbosity level to verboselevel

level  Verbosity level, or -1 to query existing value.
Verbosity level

int html_log_output int    ihtml_in

Register or query html output level.

ihtml_in  0 = turn off html output, 1 = turn on html output, -1 = query existing value
0 = no html output, 1 = html output

int summary_output int    isumm_in

Register or query summary output level.

isumm_in  0 = turn off summary output, 1 = turn on summary output, -1 = query existing value
0 = no summary output, 1 = summary output