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The format of the message is
stoh_configure_pseudo_motor motorName position upperLimit lowerLimit upperLimitOn motorLockOn
- motorName is the name of the motor to configure.
- position is the scaled position of the motor.
- upperLimit is the upper limit for the motor in scaled units.
- lowerLimit is the lower limit for the motor in scaled units.
- lowerLimitOn is a boolean (0 or 1) indicating if the lower limit is enabled.
- upperLimitOn is a boolean (0 or 1) indicating if the upper limit is enabled.
- motorLockOn is a boolean (0 or 1) indicating if the motor is software locked.
A command to reconfigure a pseudo motor at the DHS level.
Next: stoh_read_ion_chambers
Up: Server To Hardware Messages
Previous: stoh_configure_real_motor
Scott McPhillips