SSRL Structural Molecular Biology
Summer School 2004
16-20, 2004
Course Organizers
Hiro Tsuruta, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist at SSRL. His research
activities mainly focus on structural studies of oligomeric proteins
and macromolecular assemblies primarily by non-crystalline x-ray
scattering techniques.
Serena DeBeer George, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist at SSRL. Her
research focuses on the use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy to
elucidate the electronic and geometric structure of bioinorganic
and organometallic systems.
Clyde A. Smith, Ph.D., is Staff Scientist at SSRL. His research
focuses on the structure determination of proteins and enzymes
by macromolecular X-ray crystallography.
Paul Adams, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. Research interests: developing new
software for automated crystallographic structure determination
and data collection.
Ninian Blackburn, Ph.D., is a Professor at the
Oregon Health and Science University. His areas of expertise include
structure and function of oxidase and oxygenasemetalloenzymes;
spectroscopy of metal sites in proteins with emphasis on EPR,
EXAFS, absorption edge, and FTIR spectroscopies; coordination
chemistry and biochemistry of copper. Biochemistry of metal trafficking
in cells.
Ashley M. Deacon, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist
at SSRL and the Structure Determination Core leader of the Joint
Center for Structural Genomics. His areas of expertise include
direct methods and MAD phasing, and he was heavily involved in
the development and first applications of the Shake-and-Bake algorithm
to macromolecular structure determination. He is currently focused
on the development of high-throughput data collection and structure
determination technology for macromolecular crystallography.
Graham N. George, Ph.D., is the Canadian Research
Chair in X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and Professor of Geological
Sciences at University of Saskatchewan, Canada. His research is
focused on the use of synchrotron radiation to solve structural
and chemical problems in biology and chemistry. His research interests
include the application of x-ray absorption spectroscopy to understand
catalytic mechanisms in molybdenum enzymes and the application
of XAS to obtain insight into metal toxicity,
Samar Hasnain, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist at
Daresbury Laboratory and a Visiting Professor of Molecular Biophysics
at JMU. His research focuses on structure function studies of
metalloproteins using synchrotron radiation techniques, including
x-ray crystallography, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and solution
x-ray scattering.
Britt Hedman, Ph.D., is a Professor at SSRL.
She has ~20 years experience with synchrotron radiation research,
in particular x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Her current research
interests focus on enzyme active site electronic and geometric
structure using ligand and metal XAS.
Daniel Herschlag, Ph.D. is a Professor of Biochemistry
at Stanford University. The general goal of his research is to
understand the fundamental properties and behavior of biological
macromolecules. He has special interest in the folding and catalytic
properties of RNA, the catalytic properties of protein enzymes,
and comparisons between these distinct classes of functional macromolecules.
Keith Hodgson, Ph.D., is the Howard H. and Jessie
T. Watkins Stanford University Professor of Chemistry and SSRL
Director. He is a pioneer in synchrotron-based biological research:
performed the world's first SR protein crystal diffraction measurements;
explored anomalous dispersion in what later became known as MAD;
developed XAS for structural biology; and made early seminal contributions
to biological SAXS.
Kelly Lee, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in
the Department of Molecular Biology & Center for Integrative
Molecular Biosciences at the Scripps Research Institute in La
Jolla, California. Within the lab of Dr. John E. Johnson and in
collaboration with Dr. Hiro Tsuruta (SSRL), he has applied solution
X-ray scattering methods to study large-scale conformational changes
involved in virus assembly and maturation.
Joe R. Luft is a Research Scientist at the Hauptman-Woodward
Medical Research Institute in Buffalo, New York. His research
interests focus on developing a better understanding of macromolecular
crystallization and using this knowledge to formulate effective
and efficient crystallization methods.
Irimpan Mathews, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist
at SSRL. Research interests include analysis of structure-function
relationships in proteins and structure-based drug discovery.
Thomas A. Rabedeau, Ph.D., heads the beam line
development group at SSRL, and is an expert in optics design and
the development of new beam line facilities. He has a scientific
interest and background in x-ray scattering and materials science.
John J. Rehr, Ph.D. is Professor at Department
of Physics, University of Washington, and is also a Consulting
Professor at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. His research
specialties are in condensed matter theory, with an emphasis on
computational techniques. His major research interests at present
include theories of x-ray spectra and real space electronic structure.
His group at UW is especially known for the development of x-ray
spectroscopy and electronic structure codes, which are used in
research laboratories worldwide.
Robert A. Scott, Ph.D., is Distinguished Research
Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Center for Metalloenzyme
Studies, University of Georgia. He has nearly 25 years of experience
in the application of x-ray absorption spectroscopy to biological
systems. Recent emphasis is on metal sensor and DNA-binding proteins
involved in transcription and (metallo) regulation.
Pappannan Thiyagarajan, Ph.D., is a Senior Physicist
at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, where he manages a world-class SANS instruments for
the user program. In addition, through collaboration with scientists
in the Chemistry Division, he has developed a SAXS instrument
at the Advanced Photon Source for time-resolved and anomalous
SAXS applications. His research areas include protein/RNA folding
pathways, kinetics, and phase behavior for block copolymers. He
trains postdocs in the application of SANS and time-resolved SAXS
in condensed matter research.
Jill Trewhella, Ph.D., is a Director of Special
Projects, Associate to the Vice President for Research, and Research
Professor of Chemistry at University of Utah. Her scientific interest
and expertise focus on understanding the structural and molecular
biology of calcium-dependent signaling, and she has extensive
background in the application of small-angle x-ray scattering
to this and other biological systems.
Helmut Wiedemann, Ph.D., is Professor of Applied
Physics and of SSRL. His research interests include developments
in theoretical and experimental accelerator physics, particle
sources, linear accelerators, storage rings, and synchrotron radiation
sources. He has special interest in developing high brightness
light sources at short pulse duration with specific goals to produce
femto second electron pulses and convert them to a tunable source
of femto second, coherent light pulses to be used for fundamental
research and for particle acceleration.
William I. Weis, Ph.D., is a Professor of Structural
Biology, of Molecular and Cellular Physiology and of SSRL, and
Director of the Biophysics Program at Stanford University. Research
interests include cell membrane recognition, targeting, and adhesion
processes studied by crystallographic structure determination
and physical biochemistry.
Vittal Yachandra, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist
at the Structural Biology Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. His research focuses on understanding the mechanism
of water oxidation in photosystem II by using a combination of
XAS, EPR, and FTIR spectroscopy.
Ryan Boysen, Montana State University
Mary Corbett, Stanford University
Per Elias, Stanford University/Gothenburg
Yisong Guo, University of California, Davis
William Chorng-Woei Hwang, Burnham Institute
Stephanie Kernaghan, University of Calgary
Tyler Korman, University of California, Irvine
Ae-Ran Kwon, Stanford University
Ting Wai Lee, University of Alberta
Yaqiong Lin, Burnham Institute
Heshu Lu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Rachel Marion, University of California, San Francisco
Michael Matho, Burnham Institute
John Purden, University of California, Irvine
David Schwab, Montana State University
Elena Slonkina, Stanford University
Peter Smith, University of California, Irvine
Yuichiro Takagi, Stanford University
Dunja Urosev, University of British Columbia
Shuangding Wu, Burnham Institute
Makoto Yamata, Stanford University
Zhicheng Zhang, Washington State University