residues  PROCHECK sample plots

Plot 2a. Gly & Pro Ramachandran plots


The Gly & Pro Ramachandran plots gives separate Ramachandran plots for just the Gly and Pro residues in the ensemble.

The favourable- and unfavourable regions of both these residue types differ markedly from those of the other residues. The darker the shaded area on the plots, the more favourable the region. The data on which the shading is based has come from a data set of 163 non-homologous, high-resolution protein chains chosen from structures solved by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.0Å or better and an R-factor no greater than 20%.

The numbers in brackets, following each residue name, show the total number of data points on that graph. The red numbers above the data points are the reside-numbers of the residues in question (ie showing those residues lying in unfavourable regions of the plot).

All residues  PROCHECK sample plots