MTZ FORMAT: (CCP4: Formats)


MTZ format for CCP4 - the MTZ reflection format as used in CCP4
  5. Column labels and standard names
  6. Column types
  7. See also


The MTZ file format is used for the storage of reflection data. The file contains the data and a header of metadata. The former is held as a table with rows representing reflections and columns representing different quantities for each reflection. The latter aims to make the file self-contained by including all necessary information, such as symmetry operations, cell dimensions, etc. The MTZ file is a flat-file representation of a particular data model. We first describe the data model, and then the particular implementation used.


The MTZ file can contain an arbitrary number of columns of data provided they belong to the same spacegroup (in principle, they need only belong to the same Laue group, but this is not implemented). With only this restriction, we consider arranging the columns of data in the following hierarchical manner:

    File -> Crystal -> Dataset -> Datalist -> Column 

A `Crystal' is essentially a single crystal form: usually there will be one crystal per derivative, unless a single derivative can crystalise in several cells (e.g. RT and frozen). A `Dataset' is a set of observations on a particular crystal. If data is collected at several wavelengths, each of these becomes a separate dataset. A `Datalist' is a grouping of associated columns. Thus a single list will hold both F and SigF. Another list holds all four Hendrickson Lattman coefficients. Each data list is linked to one of the datasets and each dataset is linked to one of the crystals. There may be several data lists per dataset and several datasets per crystal.

The Datalist level is not yet implemented in the MTZ format, but the remainder of the above hierarchy is recorded in the MTZ file header. The header lists the columns of data held in the file, and identifies which dataset they belong to, and in turn which crystal that dataset belongs to. The crystals, datasets and columns are each identified by a label. The labels for the datasets and columns need not be unique, provided the full identification "crystal name/dataset name/column label" is unique.

Each crystal is further identified as belonging to a project, labelled by a "project name". The project name is currently used in Data Harvesting where it corresponds to a particular structure determination (and is equivalent to the mmCIF data item In the current implementation of MTZ files, the project is simply an attribute of a crystal and is not an integral part of the data structure.

The total number of datasets represented in a file is given by the keyword NDIF in the main file header (see below), and a list of the project, crystal and dataset names associated with each dataset is given by the PROJECT, CRYSTAL and DATASET keywords also in the main file header. Each dataset is identified internally by an integer "dataset ID". For a merged single-record-per-reflection MTZ file, each column has as one of its attributes (included in the COL keyword) a "dataset ID", which acts as a pointer to the main list of datasets. For unmerged multi-record MTZ files, a column may be associated with several datasets (corresponding to different batches) and the "dataset ID" is not used. Instead, each batch header contains a "dataset ID", which points to the dataset associated with that batch.

The main file header also contains properties of each dataset. Each crystal can have its own cell dimensions identified by the keyword DCELL, e.g. native and derivative crystals may well have significantly different cells. All datasets belonging to a particular crystal should have the same cell dimensions. The information held in DCELL records is distinct from the general cell held in the CELL record; the use of DCELL is now preferred. A wavelength can also be attributed to each dataset via the keyword DWAVEL. Other dataset information may be added in the future. The records DCELL and DWAVEL are optional; the header reading routines assume that if they are present, then they will occur immediately after the relevant PROJECT, CRYSTAL and DATASET keywords.

The dataset information can be viewed via the program MTZDUMP:

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 HEWL
             79.0026   79.0026   36.8933   90.0000   90.0000   90.0000

Dataset naming conventions

The project, crystal and dataset names should obey the following rules:
  1. Each name should be a single word containing alphanumeric characters and underscores. However, do not choose a purely numeric name as this will confuse some programs (XNAME="x13" is OK whereas XNAME="13" is not).
  2. Each name can be up to 64 characters long (the limit is imposed by the format of the MTZ file header).
  3. Names are case sensitive.

The base dataset

From CCP4 5.0, there should always be a base dataset, called HKL_base and with dataset ID of zero. This dataset will be added automatically by the library, if it doesn't already exist. The columns H, K and L are forced to belong to the Base dataset. Other columns will be assigned to the Base dataset if they are not assigned explicitly to another dataset.

More on cell dimensions

Cell dimensions are stored in 3 places:
CELL record in main header
The use of these cell dimensions is now deprecated.
DCELL record in main header
There is one DCELL record for each dataset. However, the CMTZ library assumes that the cell dimensions are a property of the crystal, so that DCELL will be identical for each dataset in the same crystal. This is a simplification. Different datasets will in general provide different estimates of the crystal cell dimensions.
Batch headers
In an unmerged MTZ file, each batch header records the cell dimensions for that batch. Each batch belongs to a dataset (see "Associated dataset ID" in the batch header) with a separate record of the cell dimensions, see above.

Compatibility between MTZ files from different CCP4 releases

A brief history:
CCP4 3.5
Added Project and Dataset names for use in data harvesting.
CCP4 4.1
Added dataset cell and wavelength information.
CCP4 4.2
Library will pass Crystal header line through, but no additional functionality.
CCP4 5.0
Full support for Crystal line, and addition of HKL_base dataset.
Later versions of CCP4 should read files produced in earlier versions. Earlier versions of CCP4 should read files produced in later versions, but may give out warnings of unrecognised header records. Although some information will be lost, the older programs should continue to run.


General description

The MTZ reflection file format uses fixed length logical 'records' written in a byte stream with, in general, four bytes for each data item (REAL*4), with a minimum of 3 columns and currently a maximum of 200 columns of data per record, although these limits could easily be increased. Additional information (title, cell dimensions, column labels, symmetry information, resolution range, history information and, if necessary, batch titles and orientation data) is contained in labelled header records. The columns of the reflection data records are identified by alphanumeric labels held as part of the file header information. The user relates the item names used by the program to the required data items, as identified by the labels, by means of assignment statements in the program control data.

Record Formats

The file contains basically two classes of records - header records and reflection data records. A standard reflection data file contains the following items, in the order given, not necessarily all items have to be present:

Version stamp (Character*10, currently MTZ:V1.1)
File Title - short identification of file (Character*70)
number of columns, number of reflections in file, number of batches (Integer) if number of batches > 0 this indicates multi-record file
Global Cell Parameters (Real(6)). The use of these is deprecated in favour of the dataset cell parameters, see DCELL below.
Sort order of 1st 5 columns in file (Integer(5))
Number of Symmetry operations (Integer)
Number of Primitive operations (Integer)
Lattice Type (Character*1)
Space Group Number (Integer)
Space Group Name (Character*10)
Point Group Name (Character*6)
Symmetry operations in international tables style
Minimum (smallest number) and Max (largest number) resolution stored as 1/d-squared (Real(2))
Value with which Missing Number Flag is represented.
Column Label (Character*30)
Column Type (Character*1) for each column
Minimum and Maximum value in each column (Real)
ID of corresponding dataset (Integer)
Number of datasets represented in the file.
ID of dataset (Integer)
Project Name (Character*64). Normally one for each structure determination.
ID of dataset (Integer)
Crystal Name (Character*64). May be several for each structure determination, representing the different crystals used.
ID of dataset (Integer)
Dataset Name (Character*64). May be several for each structure determination, representing the different datasets measured.
ID of dataset (Integer)
Cell dimensions (Real(6)). These are identical for all datasets belonging to the same crystal.
ID of dataset (Integer)
Wavelength (Real) for dataset.
Batch Serial Number for each batch present (Integer). This line is only present in `multi-record' files.

NB: Column Types are an extra check that the user input assignment for a requested program label is of the correct type. For a list of all column types see section COLUMN TYPES.

Normally the Miller indices will be held in the first three columns though, within the definition of the format, there is no restriction on the use of the columns of the reflection data records. However, the subroutines which output the MTZ header information in a formatted way (e.g. Subroutine LHPRT) presume that the first 3 columns of a standard MTZ file are the Miller Indices, and the first 5 columns of a multi-record MTZ file are H,K,L,M/ISYM and Batch number.


This section describes the way in which some standard data items are stored in an MTZ file.
The Miller indices are held as REAL*4
Structure Factors
The structure factor magnitude is held as a REAL*4
Phases are held as REAL*4 values in degrees.
There is no need for an S column in MTZ files - values of (4 sin**2 theta / lambda**2) are calculated and returned, for each reflection, by the calls to LRREFF and LRREFL, and the max and min values are stored in the header of the MTZ file as REAL*4 (cf old-LCF as 10000*S as INTEGER*2).
Centric flag
0 for centric, 1 for acentric.
Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients
Figures of merit
Figures of merit.

Column labels and standard names

Columns of reflection data in an MTZ file are identified through column labels. Through the LABIN/LABOUT mechanism, it is possible to connect a column of data expected by a particular program with a column of data in a file.

Column labels must be no more than 30 characters long. This limit is hardwired in the software library used to read and write MTZ files. It is also imposed by the MTZ format itself, where several details of a particular column must be fitted onto a header record of 80 characters.

Column labels should be alphanumeric. Avoid special characters (the "/" in the standard label "M/ISYM" is a special case - slashes in other places will break the code).

Although you are free to choose any column labels, the following table lists some conventional choices:

Name Item
H, K, L Miller indices.
M/ISYM Column contains a combination of the partiality flag M and the symmetry number ISYM: 256M+ISYM. M is 0 for fully recorded reflections or 1 for partials. ISYM = 2*isymop - 1 for reflections placed in the positive asu, i.e. I+ of a Friedel pair, and ISYM = 2*isymop for reflections placed in the negative asu, i.e. I- of a Friedel pair. Here "isymop" is the number of the symmetry operator used.
BATCH Batch number.
I Intensity.
SIGI sigma(I).
FRACTIONCALC Calculated partial fraction of spot.
IMEAN Mean intensity.
FP Native F value.
FC Calculated F.
FPH<n> F value for derivative <n>.
DP Anomalous difference for native data.
DPH<n> Anomalous difference for derivative <n>.
SIGFP sigma(FP).
SIGDP sigma(DP).
SIGFPH<n> sigma(F<n>).
SIGDPH<n> sigma(DEL<n>).
PHIC Calculated Phase.
PHIB Phase from experimental phasing.
FOM figure of merit.
WT weight
HLA,HLB,HLC,HLD Hendrickson-Lattman (HL) coefficients
FREE Free R flag (program label)
FreeR_flag Free R flag (file label)

Column types

All columns in an MTZ file are assigned a type, taken from the following list. The LABIN line of a particular job connects columns in an input MTZ file with the columns expected by the program. The column types are used to check that a sensible assignment is made, e.g. that you do not try to use an Intensity (type J) column where a Structure Factor Amplitude (type F) is expected. If there is a mismatch between file and program column types, a warning will be issued by the CCP4 library. The allowed column types are as follows:

H index h,k,l
J intensity
F structure amplitude, F
D anomalous difference
Q standard deviation of J,F,D or other (but see L and M below)
G structure amplitude associated with one member of an hkl -h-k-l pair, F(+) or F(-)
L standard deviation of a column of type G
K intensity associated with one member of an hkl -h-k-l pair, I(+) or I(-)
M standard deviation of a column of type K
E structure amplitude divided by symmetry factor ("epsilon"). Normally scaled as well to give normalised structure factor
P phase angle in degrees
W weight (of some sort)
A phase probability coefficients (Hendrickson/Lattman)
B BATCH number
Y M/ISYM, packed partial/reject flag and symmetry number
I any other integer
R any other real

See also
