An automated system for mounting and dismounting
pre-frozen crystals has been developed at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
Laboratory (SSRL). It is based on a small industrial robot and compact
cylindrical cassettes, each holding up to 96 crystals mounted on Hampton
Research sample pins. For easy shipping and storage, the cassette fits inside
several popular dry-shippers and long-term storage Dewars. A dispensing Dewar
holds up to three cassettes in liquid nitrogen adjacent to the beamline
goniometer. The robot uses a permanent magnet tool to extract samples from, and
insert samples into a cassette, and a cryo-tong tool to transfer them to and
from the beamline goniometer. The system is
shown below as installed at A) SSRL BL9-2, B) NSRRC 13C1, and C) the Photon Factory
Webpages with more information:

SSRL Sample Cassette |