Rapid Access Application Form

  • Approximately five to eight shifts may be scheduled for Rapid Access beam time each month. Applications are reviewed by SSRL's Proposal Review Panel for scientific merit and feasibility.
  • The Rapid Access application may be used to request beam time for data collection during a single scheduling period.
  • Only one project per Principal Investigator may be scheduled for Rapid Access time within a given month. If multiple spokespersons in a group submit applications, the PI will be asked to set priority for scheduling the experiments.
  • Spokespersons should expect to hear back from SSRL within a few weeks of submittal.  If the application has been approved with the highest rating among the submissions for a given deadline, beam time will be assigned within a month or two of the original submittal. If the application has been approved for beam time but assigned a lower rating, it will be put on a waiting list for beam time during the next block of Rapid Access time or for consideration to fill cancellations of regularly scheduled beam time. 
  • Use Agreement(s) must be fully executed between Stanford University and the spokesperson's home institution and all collaborator institutions (if personnel physically coming to SSRL) before beam time.
  • It is highly recommended that first-time users to SSRL come to the facility for their first allocation of beam time before requesting remote access.
Spokesperson: Institution: Email: Degree:
Work Phone

Principal Investigator: Email: Work Phone:

Collaborators: Institution:
(if different from above)
Email: Degree:
multi-wavelength MAD     (BLs 7-1, 9-2, 11-1, 12-2)
single wavelength SAD     (BLs 7-1, 11-1, 9-2, 12-2)
single wavelength (tunable)      (BLs 7-1, 9-2, 11-1, 12-2)
single wavelength (fixed)      (BLs 7-1, 9-2, 11-1, 12-2, 14-1)
microfocus (MAD)      (BL 12-2)

Note: Please reference Macromolelcular Crystallography Home Page for beam line parameters.

Scientific Importance: (8-10 lines)
State clearly what you hope to achieve and why this project is important.  Will this lead to determination of a new structure, is the proposal to collect data from inhibitor complex of an already known structure, etc.?  Why will these results be important? 
Are crystals currently ready for data collection?   Yes  No 
Feasibility: (8-10 lines)
Projects will only be considered for Rapid Access time if well-characterized crystals are currently ready for immediate data collection.  The extent of characterization will depend upon specific details of the project, but would usually include data collection on a rotating anode source.  State clearly what crystals are currently ready for data collection, what data you expect to obtain, why you expect the data collection to be successful, and how the data will be used (MAD structure determination, molecular replacement, high resolution refinement, inhibitor complex, etc)
Previous Rapid Access: (8-10 lines)
Fill out this section if Rapid Access time was previously awarded to the same PI during the last 12 months.  Only describe the most recent Rapid Access data collection if more than one was allocated during this period.  Briefly state what data were collected and their quality. What were the scientific goals and were they met -- explain how the experiment was successful or why the effort failed. 

Crystal Data:
(mm x mm x mm)
Mol. Wt.
Space Group

(Å x Å x Å)

Temp. of
Anom. Scattering Element
Anom. Sites/
*NCS: Number of molecules expected per asymmetric unit
AIDS Related?  Yes  No
Other Disease?  Yes  No    
If yes, please specify:
Proprietary ResearchYes  No 
Note: Proprietary Research is subject to specific terms and conditions, and SSRL must be reimbursed at full cost recovery in advance of scheduled beam time.
Source of Research Funds
(hold Ctrl to select multiple options)
Research Area
(hold Ctrl to select multiple options)

Safety Concerns:
Are you bringing heavy atom solutions or any other hazardous substances to SSRL? (A hazardous material includes anything ignitable, corrosive, toxic-including carcinogens, reactive-including gases, and radioactive) If yes, list all substances and quantities:
Are you bringing biohazards to SSRL? (infectious/pathogenic agents; viruses, toxin producing agents, r-DNA, etc.) If yes, list biohazards, quantities and NIH classifications: (ONLY CLASS 1 & 2 BIOHAZARDS MAY BE BROUGHT TO SSRL)
Are you bringing hazardous equipment to SSRL (e.g. lasers, high voltage, high pressure, cryogenic apparatus, etc.)? If yes, please list:
Have you made provisions to secure your equipment against 0.75G lateral acceleration while at SSRL?

Will human subjects or laboratory animals be used in this experiment?
If yes, please contact SSRL Safety Officer, Matt Padilla, 650-926-3861 or Behzad Bozorg-Chami, 650-926-3872

SSRL User Administrative contact: L. Dunn, tel. 650-926-2087