CCPLIB (CCP4: Library)


ccplib - CCP4 utility subroutine library


ccplib contains various low-level utility routines which are potentially machine-dependent. Since CCP4 version 5.0, the original ccplib.f has been split amongst several files. The most commonly used routines have been re-implemented in C, with a Fortran interface, while other routines remain in ccplib.f. This document describes the routines as seen from a Fortran programmer's perspective. For information on the C functions, see C libraries and CCP4 Library Utilities.

Contents of this file

General information

Using the pre-processor in programs

To use the pre-processor in existing code you will need to add a call to the routine CCPFYP as the first executable statement in the program. This routine performs all the pre-processing and should be called before any other CCP4 library routines.


Fortran programs should call the routine CCPFYP initially (see "USING THE PRE-PROCESSOR"), allowing one to run them using the mechanism

        <program> hklin <file> hklout <file> ...

Program Termination

There should be no STOP statements within the code; rather, call the subroutine CCPERR. This has the form

        CALL CCPERR( <num> '<string>')
where <num> is an exit value (0 for normal termination) and the <string> is a suitable message. Programs should terminate successfully with the call
        CALL CCPERR(0, 'Normal termination')

To terminate a program because an error has been detected use

        CALL CCPERR(1, '<string>')
where <string> should contain any useful information about why the program is being terminated abnormally.

CCPERR can also be used to send 'warnings' (CCPERR level 2) and messages (CCPERR level 3).

File opening

There should be no OPEN statements in Fortran code. Instead call CCPDPN for general files, and appropriate library routines for the standard data formats (MTZ, PDB, CCIF, CCP4 maps etc).

Use the normal Fortran CLOSE to close files opened with CCPDPN. The standard data formats have specific library routines for closing files which should be used in preference to CLOSE in those cases.

Version printing

The version of the CCP4 library being used can be queried using the CCP4_VERSION routine. The program version number may be different, and can be set (and later retrieved) using CCP4_PROG_VERSION. A call to CCPVRS will output a banner including this version information. The command line switch -i can also be used to get program and version information.

Skeleton example CCP4 program

      PROGRAM <name>
C define the program version
      CALL CCP4_PROG_VERSION('7.2',0)
C call the pre-processor:
C advertise the version:
      CALL CCPRCS(LUNSTO(1), '<name>', '$Date$')
C open an input file:
C close the file
      CALL CCPERR(0, 'Normal termination')

List of subroutines

Routine Description
CCFILL Set specified number of elements of byte array
CCP4_VERSION Return current CCP4 library version as string
CCP4_PROG_VERSION Set or retrieve program version as string
CCPALC Call subroutine with allocated memory
CCPALE Call subroutine with allocated memory set from environment
CCPBYI Copy array of unsigned (or signed) bytes into integer array
CCPBYT Indicate whether byte handling is available
CCPCPI Copy array of BYTE or INTEGER*2 elements into integer array
CCPDAT Get calendar date
CCPDEX Periodicity reduction of 1024 (for PROLSQ)
CCPDPN more friendly CCPOPN
CCPE2I read integer from logical name value
CCPERR Report error or normal termination and stop
CCPEXS test if file exists
CCPFYP Set up environment & parse command line arguments
CCPGI2 Get unsigned integer*2 value from 0 to 65535 from N'th unsigned integer*2 element of array.
CCPGTB Get unsigned byte value from 0 to 255 from N'th byte of array.
CCPI2I Copy an array of INTEGER*2 elements into an integer array
CCPIBY Copy array of integers into array of bytes.
CCPII2 Copy array of integers into array of INTEGER*2 elements.
CCPLWC Convert a string to lower case
CCPMDE If byte handling available return nos. of bytes for map modes
CCPMVB Move bytes from one non-character array to another if byte handling is available
CCPMVI Move words from one integer array to another
CCPMVR Move words from one real array to another
CCPNUN Return an unconnected i/o unit number
CCPONL See if program is being run interactively
CCPPSF Parse file name into components
CCPRCS Like CCPVRS but use RCS-format date string
CSETNV Associate logical name with file name
CCPPAG Set paging parameters if available
CCPSI2 Set integer value from 0 to 65535 into the N'th unsigned integer*2 element of an array.
CCPSTB Set integer value from 0 to 255 into N'th byte of array.
CCPSUM Sum the elements of an array
CCPTIM Get CPU and Elapsed times
CCPTOI Convert n'th byte or I*2 in a non-character array to an integer
CCPUFL Suppress underflow messages
CCPUPC Convert a string to upper case
CCPVRS Print program version number and date header
CCPPNM Entry: Return the program name previously set by CCPVRS
CCPZBI Sets an array of bytes to zero
CCPZI Set 'n' words of an integer array to zero using a simple loop
CCPZR Set 'n' words of a real array to zero using a simple loop
FDIR Returns the directory part of a file name
FEXTN Returns the extension of a file name
FROOT Returns the root of a file name
LITEND determine endianness
LENSTR length of string to last non-space
LUNSTI Get logical unit number for input
LUNSTO Get logical unit number for output
NBITST Return the (unsigned) integer value held within a bit field in a word
NOCRLF write line suppressing cr/lf to standard output
QPRINT write debug messages
QPRLVL Entry: Return debug level used by QPRINT.
STBITS Set a bit field within a word to a given (unsigned) integer value
CCPLIC Check that license conditions have been agreed

Descriptions of the Subroutines

Set specified number of elements of byte array

ARR1 (o) (byte) array to which bytes are to be copied
SCAL (i) (byte) byte value to be copied into ARR1
NTIMES (i) (integer) the number of bytes to be copied

Return current CCP4 version as string
VERSION (o) (character*(*)) current version of CCP4 suite

Set or retrieve program version as string
VERSION (i/o) (character*(*)) version of individual program
IFLAG (i) (integer) if 0 then set version using VERSION argument, else if 1 then return version in VERSION argument

Arrange to call subroutine ROUTNE with N array arguments each of length LENGTH (i) and type indicated by TYPE (i): 'i' == integer, 'r' == real, 'd' == double precision, 'c'==complex. TYPE elements may have either case. The calling of ROUTNE and allocation are performed by the machine dependant routine CCPAL1 (UNIX library.c, VMS vms.for, MVS w32mvs.f). Consider
        call ccpalc (fred, 3, types, lens)
with types = (/'i', 'r', 'c'/) and lens = (/1000, 2000, 3000/). This effectively does
       call fred (1000, arr1, 2000, arr2, 3000, arr3)
        subroutine fred (n1, foo, n2, bar, n3, baz)
               integer n1, n2, n3, foo (n1)
               real bar (n2)
               complex baz (n3)
Obviously all communication with ROUTNE must be by COMMON (or, possibly, extra ENTRYs). The allocated memory is freed on return from ROUTNE. As a concession, it's initially filled with zeroed bytes.

ROUTNE (i) (external) routine to call
N (i) (integer) number of arguments to ROUTNE (<=12)
TYPE (i) (character*1 (*))
type of arguments to ROUTNE:
LENGTH (i) (integer*(*)) number of elements in each (array) argument of ROUTNE

Arrange to call subroutine ROUTNE with N array arguments each of length LENGTH (i) and type indicated by TYPE (i): 'i' == integer, 'r' == real, 'd' == double precision, 'c'==complex. TYPE elements may have either case. LENGTH points to an array of environment variable (logical) names from which integer values are read, CCPE2I. The lengths default to values from LENDEF. This is a convenient interface to CCPALC to allow configuring of the memory requirements on the command line where appropriate. This may be useful if the memory requirements can't be determined initially and it's necessary to guess.

ROUTNE (i) (external) routine to call
N (i) (integer) number of arguments to ROUTNE (<=12)
TYPE (i) (character*1 (*))
type of arguments to ROUTNE:
LENGTH (i) (character*(*)) logical names representing the number of elements in each (array) argument of ROUTNE
LENDEF (i) (integer (*)) default lengths for the argument arrays used if the appropriate LENGTH argument doesn't represent a defined logical
PRINT (i) (logical) whether or not to print the values of the array lengths

Copy array of unsigned (or signed) bytes into integer array
To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. [for LAUE program?].

IA (o) (integer) array to return integer values
IBYT (i) (byte) array holding byte data (may be an integer array, for example, with data packed into adjacent bytes).
NB (i) (integer) if >0, the number of unsigned bytes to be copied
if <0, -the number of signed bytes to be copied

Indicate whether byte handling is available. Used in maplib.
NOTE: is assumed to be available (.TRUE., NBW=4).

NBW (o) (integer) returns the number of bytes per word or a value of 1 if no byte handling is available (4).

Returns CCPBYT == .TRUE. byte handling and associated ccplib routines available (assumed).
== .FALSE. no byte handling available.

Copy an array of BYTE or INTEGER*2 elements into an integer array. NB is bytewise operation
To be implemented if CCPBYT function returns .TRUE. [for LAUE program?]
IA (o) (integer (*)) to return values
IB (i) (integer (*)) holding data with data packed into adjacent BYTE or INTEGER*2 elements (in routine is byte)
MINEL (i) (integer) Minimum element to copy
MAXEL (i) (integer) Maximum element to copy
ITYP (i) (integer) Type =1 unsigned byte
=2 signed byte
=3 unsigned two byte integer
=4 signed two byte integer
Note: if MINEL > MAXEL elements will be copied in reverse order

Get calendar date
CALDAT (o) (character*8) variable returning date as dd/mm/yy (returned as a blank string if not available).

Periodicity reduction of 1024 [for PROLSQ]
INDX (i/o) (integer) array holding numbers for periodicity reduction
N (i) (integer) no. of elements in INDX

Calls CCPOPN to open a file, but with mnemonic arguments.
IUN (i) (integer) unit number
LOGNAM (i) (character*(*)) logical file name
STATUS (i) (character*(*))
file status flag
TYPE (i) (character*(*))
file type flag
LREC (i) (integer) record length for direct access file (no. of characters for a formatted file or words for an unformatted file).
Not relevant for a sequential file.
IFAIL (i/o) (integer)
on input
=0, stop on open failure
=1, continue after open failure (only on file not found)
on output
unchanged if file open OK
=-1, error in opening file

Return an integer extracted from environment variable NAME. If NAME isn't defined, use DEFVAL as the default. If the value of NAME isn't a representation of an integer, abort.
NAME (I) (character *(*))
DEFVAL (I) (integer)

Report error or normal termination and stop. Also reports latest system error iff ISTAT<0.
ISTAT (I) (integer) exit status (0 for normal termination, 1 for fatal error)
ERRST (I) (character)*(*) message

Test if file or file assigned to logical name exists
NAME (i) (character*(*)) file name/logical name
Returns CCPEXS == .TRUE. if file exists
.FALSE. if file does not exist

Set up the environment in which the program runs (environ.def, default.def locations, etc) and then parses the command line arguments.

Note: A call to CCPFYP should be the first executable statement in ccp4 programs.

Get unsigned integer*2 value from 0 to 65535 from N'th unsigned integer*2 element of array.
To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. Used in density modification routines.

IVAL (o) (integer) returned integer values from 0 to 65535
IA (i) (integer*2(*)) array from which the unsigned INTEGER*2 value is to be retrieved
N (i) (integer) position in 'IA' where the unsigned INTEGER*2 value is to be retrieved

Get unsigned byte value from 0 to 255 from N'th byte of array.
To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. Used in density modification routines.

IVAL (o) (integer) the returned integer value from 0 to 255
IA (i) (byte(*)) array from which the byte value is to be retrieved
N (i) (integer) position in IA where the byte value is to be retrieved

Copy an array of INTEGER*2 elements into an integer array.
To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. [for LAUE program?]

IA (o) (integer(*)) Array to return INTEGER values
I2 (i) (integer*2) Array holding INTEGER*2 data (may be an INTEGER array for example with data packed into adjacent INTEGER*2 elements).
NE (i) (integer) The number of elements to be copied
SIGNED (i) (logical) ==.TRUE. Copy as signed INTEGER*2 values
==.FALSE. Copy as unsigned INTEGER*2 values
SWAPB (i) (logical) ==.TRUE. Swap bytes in the INTEGER*2 elements
==.FALSE. Do not swap bytes

Copy array of integers into array of bytes. NOTE: No overflow checking is done (least significant figures only stored).
To must be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. [for LAUE program?]
IBYT (o) (byte(*)) Array returning byte data (may be an integer array for example with data packed into adjacent bytes).
IA (i) (integer(*)) array holding integer values
NB (i) (integer) if >0, the number of elements to be copied to unsigned bytes
if <0, -the number of elements to be copied to signed bytes

Copy array of integers into array of INTEGER*2 elements. NOTE: No overflow checking is done.
To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE.) [for LAUE program?]
I2 (o) (integer*2) Array returning INTEGER*2 data (may be an INTEGER array for example with data packed into adjacent INTEGER*2 elements
IA (i) (integer(*)) Array holding INTEGER values
NE (i) (integer) The number of elements to be copied
SIGNED (i) (logical) ==.TRUE. Copy as signed integer*2 values
==.FALSE. Copy as unsigned integer*2 values
SWAPB (i) (logical) ==.TRUE. Swap bytes in the integer*2 elements
==.FALSE. Do not swap bytes

Convert a text string to lower case in situ

STRING (i/o) (character*(*))

If byte handling is available then this subroutine returns the number of bytes per data item for the different modes used, in particular, in the map handling subroutines. [is routine actually called? no reference in map routines]
NOTE. byte handling is assumed to be available with 4 byte/word, see CCPBYT.

MODE (i) (integer) = 0, bytes
= 1, short (2 byte) integers
= 2, real/integer (single word)
= 3, short complex (2 * 2 byte integers)
= 4, complex (two words)
NBYT (o) (integer)
CCPBYT == .TRUE. number of bytes infor the MODE
CCPBYT == .FALSE. number of words
= 0, no value available for this mode
= -1, invalid mode

Typical values: 1 2 4 4 8 if byte handling available with 4 bytes/word
0 0 1 0 2 if byte handling unavailable

Move bytes from one non-character array to another if byte handling is available (assumed available).
[is routine actually called? no reference in map routines]
ARR1 (i/o) (byte(*)) Array to which bytes are to be copied
I1 (i) (integer) The start byte number in ARR1 where bytes are to be copied
ARR2 (i) (byte(*)) Array from which bytes are to be copied
I2 (i) (integer) The start byte number in ARR2 from which the bytes are to be copied
NTOMOV (i) (integer) The number of bytes to be copied

Assign the first NUM words of ARR2 to ARR1
ARR1 (o) (integer(*))
ARR2 (i) (integer(*))
NUM (i) (integer)

Assign the first NUM words of ARR2 to ARR1
ARR1 (o) (real(*))
ARR2 (i) (real(*))
NUM (i) (integer)

Return a currently unconnected i/o unit number. Use this to select an arbitrary unit for i/o to avoid clashes with other code. (The value returned will be the same until the unit in question is OPENed or a lower-numbered one is CLOSEd.)

See if program is being run interactively if this information is available. Tests if ft06 is tty.
IDUM (i) (integer) Dummy parameter
Returns .TRUE. if program is being run on-line
.FALSE. if batch mode or status unknown

Parse file name into components
Note: This routine contains machine dependent code
FILNAM (i) (character*(*)) file name string (no embedded blanks assumed)
PATH (o) (character*(*)) returns path or, for VAX VMS the part of the file specification up to the end of the directory specification (includes terminating ] or : or /)
(blank if none)
NAME (o) (character*(*)) returns name (blank if none)
TYPE (o) (character*(*)) returns file type/extension (blank if none)
VERS (o) (character*(*)) returns the version (blank if none)

After the removal of the path and version parts of the string then, if there is at least one dot, the name is the string up to the last dot remaining and the type is the part of the string after the dot. If no dot is present then the remaining string is the name and the type is blank.

Print program name and date of current version (also prints run date if available).

Interface to CCPVRS passing date in dd/mm/yy format (DATE). Takes RCS-format date string, e.g. '$Date$' or its form expanded with RCS option `-kv', as for a CVS export, in which case it will have the leading `$Date$' stripped. Initially, RCSDAT should be '$Date$'.
See the RCS documentation.
ILP (i) (integer) Unit number of printer output
PROG (i) (character*(*)) Variable holding program name (max of 10 characters)
VDATE (i) (character*(*)) Character variable holding RCS date string

Associate `logical name' LNAME with value FILNAM using an environment variable LNAME. It is passed arrays of (name, type, extension) for ICOUNT number of name lines read from environ.def. Doesn't re-define existing name if LSKIP is true.
LNAME (i) (character*(*)) Logical name (environment variable).
FILNAM (i) (character*(*)) File name, if extension is omitted it is appended
ENAME (i/o) (character(150)*20) list of environment variables; if LNAME is not in list it is appended (also to ETYPE & EXTN arrays).
ETYPE (i/o) (character(150)*5) list of in/out types.
EXTN (i/o) (character(150)*4) list of extensions.
ICOUNT (i/o) (integer) lengths of arrays ENAME, ETYPE & EXTN.
LSKIP (i) (logical) if .TRUE. existing name not re-defined.

Return the number of columns and lines for a printer output page on a given fortran unit number if the information is available
IUN (i) (integer) Fortran unit number
NCOL (o) (integer) number of columns in the page
NLIN (o) (integer) number of lines in the page

Note: Returns 80,132 unless output is terminal whence 0,80.

Store integer in N'th unsigned integer*2 element (range 0-65535) of an array. To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. Used in density modification routines.
Note: no overflow check is done.
IVAL (i) (integer) Unsigned integer value. Should be in range 0 to 65535
IA (o) (integer*2(*)) Array into which the unsigned INTEGER*2 value is to be inserted
N (i) (integer) Position in IA where the unsigned INTEGER*2 value is to be inserted

Store integer value, from 0 to 255, into N'th byte of array. To be implemented if CCPBYT == .TRUE. Used in density modification routines.
Note: no overflow check is done.
IVAL (i) (integer) Unsigned integer, value from 0 to 255
IA (o) (byte*2(*)) Array into which the byte value is to be inserted
N (i) (integer) Position in IA where the byte value is to be inserted

Returns sum of every l'th element of a vector array
A (i) (real(N)) Array to be summed
N (i) (integer) dimension of the array
L (i) (integer) sum every L'th element

Get CPU and Elapsed times
IFLAG (i/o) (integer) == 0, initialise
<> 0, return times (documented 1, also -1 for dummy call which is not implemented)
CPU (o) (real) cpu time in seconds
ELAPS (o) (real) elapsed time in seconds

Extract n'th byte or INTEGER*2 element from non-character (real) array to and store in an integer. It is used by the map file handling routines and must be implemented if map modes 0,1,3 or 5 are to be used.
Overflow check is performed.
ARRAY (i) (real(*)) Real array containing the element to be extracted
N (i) (integer) Number of element to be converted
II (i) (integer) extracted value
ITYP (i) (integer)
Conversion type
=1, byte to integer
=2, integer*2 to integer
FAIL (i/o) (integer)
On input
=0, Stop if conversion not available
=1, Return from subroutine always
On output
unchanged if conversion carried out
=-1 if conversion not available

Suppress underflow error messages if required and if the facility is available.
(Currently dummy.)

Convert a string to upper case
STRING (i/o) (character*(*)) String to be converted

Print program version number and date header. Extended to include html tags.
ILP (i) (integer) Unit number of printer output
PROG (i) (character*(*)) Variable holding program name (max of 10 characters)
VDATE (i) (character*(*)) Character variable holding date of the current version as dd/mm/yy

Entry point in CCPVRS
Returns the program name previously set by CCPVRS (/CCPRCS); if that isn't set, use arg(0).
NAME (o) (character*(*)) Program name

Set NUM bytes of the array ARR1 to zero
ARR1 (i/o) (byte(*))
NUM (i) (integer)

Set NUM words of an integer array IARR1 to zero.
IARR1 (i/o) (integer(*))
NUM (i) (integer)

Set NUM words of a real array ARR1 to zero.
ARR1 (i/o) (real(*))
NUM (i) (integer)

Returns the directory part of a file name.
FILNAM (i) (character*(*)) filename

Returns the extension of a file name.
FILNAM (i) (character*(*)) filename

Returns the root of a file name (file name minus an extension).
FILNAM (i) (character*(*)) filename

Determine endianness. Assumes integer*4 as the default.
Returns .TRUE. if little endian (VAX, FX2800, Ultrix, Convex)
.FALSE. if big endian (IBM,IRIS,ESV)

Returns length of string to last non-space
STRING (i) (character*(*)

Returns the fortran standard input unit number (=5)

Returns the fortran standard output unit number (=6)

Return the (unsigned) integer value held within a bit field in a word
[for LAUE program?]
IWORD (i) (integer) The word containing the bits to be examined
LSB (i) (integer) The least significant bit offset for the bit field
NBITS (i) (integer) The number of bits in the bit field (Must be less than the word length)

Output LINE supressing cr/lf.
LINE (i) (character*(*)) Line to output.

Conditionally print information. Normally, MSG is printed iff IFLAG is not greater than the `reference' level for messages. This reference level is set to the value of IFLAG on the first call (which won't print anything).
IFLAG (i) (integer) debug level 0-9 higher numbers give more output
MSG (i) (character*(*)) the output message itself

Entry point in QPRINT
Returns the current `debug level' used by QPRINT in the integer output variable LEVEL.

Set a bit field within a word to a given (unsigned) integer value
[for LAUE program?]
IWORD (i/o) (integer) The word in which the bits are to be set
LSB (i) (integer) The least significant bit offset for the bit field
NBITS (i) (integer) The number of bits in the bit field (must be less than the word length)
IVAL (I) (integer) The unsigned integer value to be set in the bit field (The user should ensure that this value will fit within the requested bit field)

Returns TRUE if it finds evidence that the CCP4 license
has been agreed to. It call CCPERR (1) (fail) if not.
NAME (i) (character*(*)) Which license to test for. Only CCP4 currently works.